A European egg company now having a U.S. presence does not see animal-friendly commercial farming as a contradiction in terms. Its approach includes raising roosters, where efforts are made to provide a good life for the egg-laying hens' brothers, instead of the common practice of culling them after hatching. Its strategy involves... closing cycles within the system, as the birds serve multiple functions by acting as waste processors and suppliers of eggs and meat. The company’s egg farms are designed to closely align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their diet includes upcycled feed derived from leftovers, such as those from large bakeries, contributing to a more environmentally friendly and waste-preventing approach. This holistic perspective not only promotes ethical treatment of animals but also aligns with sustainability goals, showcasing how the egg production process can be carbon neutral. Content retrieved from Kipster.Farm Animal welfareCostco organic eggsfree range vs pasture raisedComments are closed.