The need for quality food has never been higher, while state regulations, investors, NGOs, and consumers are all demanding transparency of your animal protein supply chain.
“Animal welfare is now serious business rather than a niche option. Animal welfare has shot up the priority list for food companies, but reporting remains relatively underdeveloped. Consumer and political pressure has pushed standards up beyond the niche, premium brands.” Global Business Benchmark for Animal Welfare (BBFAW) report
Measured animal welfare Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) need to appear in your ESG and sustainability reporting. We work closely with you to understand your brand in order to provide a formal report of recommendations.
“Animal welfare is now serious business rather than a niche option. Animal welfare has shot up the priority list for food companies, but reporting remains relatively underdeveloped. Consumer and political pressure has pushed standards up beyond the niche, premium brands.” Global Business Benchmark for Animal Welfare (BBFAW) report
Measured animal welfare Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) need to appear in your ESG and sustainability reporting. We work closely with you to understand your brand in order to provide a formal report of recommendations.
Our data-driven Meat, Dairy & Egg Humane Sourcing Assessment satisfies these needs.Sustainable Solutions Group understands that responsible sourcing of animal proteins is a challenge that requires increased traceability on behalf of your supply partners. Our Meat, Dairy & Egg Humane Sourcing Assessment drives increased supply partner traceability. We use Key Performance Indicators important to Dr. Temple Grandin and animal advocacy groups, and described by the RSPCA’s Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare.
The results provide insight into your suppliers’ ability to satisfy state regulation deadlines, such as California’s Prop 12 and Massachusetts Question 3. It also provides input into the BBFAW Report, the Antibiotics Chain Reaction Report, and more, for your brand to get the credit it deserves. Sustainable Solutions Group confidentially surveys your suppliers to increase your understanding of animal welfare in your supply chain. We collect 3rd party audits of on-farm, transportation and slaughter animal welfare audits to check for compliance and corrective actions. |
Why is Animal Welfare Important?Every month, a new video appears on TV and social media showing livestock conditions that raise consumer objections. Cage-free eggs, gestation crates, growth hormones, piglet thumping, day-old male chicks ground alive, fast-growing broiler chickens, castration without pain relief, lame dairy cows, and chickens scalded alive are just some of the issues social media is bringing to light and there will be more. Your customers are seeing painful images of these issues on social media videos.
If a bad video surfaces about one of your suppliers and you are approached by your customers or an animal advocacy group, our confidential Meat, Dairy & Egg Animal Welfare Sourcing Assessment safeguards your brand by showing you are responsibly checking supplier audits on a consistent basis. Sustainable Solutions Group understands the web of paperwork and data collection needed. We have the expertise to assess animal protein humane auditing and then professionally facilitate discussion of results and advise on policy development. |
What is “Humane?”
The definition of “humane” is being decided by consumers viewing social media. There are few farm animal welfare regulations. Farm animals are excluded from the U.S. Animal Welfare Act and poultry are excluded from the federal Humane Slaughter Act. This has led to the development of widely-accepted animal welfare criteria that are species-specific, such as Animal Welfare Approved, Certified Humane and Global Animal Partnership (GAP) 5-step program. Our Meat, Dairy & Egg Sourcing Assessment guides you in understanding the various levels of livestock conditions in your supply chain.
Why is a Humane Sourcing Assessment necessary?
- Lack of federal animal welfare regulations has led to state regulations such as California’s Proposition 12 and Massachusetts Question 3.
- There is evidence showing food from animals living more “humane” lives in better conditions with better feed can provide better nutrition and food safety.
Why is a Humane Sourcing Assessment necessary?
- Buyers cannot physically visit all of their supply chain facilities annually, so this ensures that vital information is captured. It ensures that suppliers understand that you are focused on the supply chain and the practices that are used on-farm, during transport and in slaughter/processing.
- You begin to understand your supply partners’ practices so that you can develop pragmatic animal welfare policies. Published animal well-being standards/expectations keep supply partners aligned.
- Understanding your current state can lead to the development of animal well-being criteria to include in your specifications, RFPs, and vendor communications.
- The results provide documentation that can be used for marketing purposes, for shareholders in annual ESG reports and to manage animal advocacy organizations. It can give customers assurance that the products they are purchasing meet animal welfare criteria.